Sunday, October 27, 2013


Here are some final pictures of our last day at Mt. Evans:

Thursday, October 24, 2013

All-Day Hike Pictures

Thursday Update

This was the first time I have been able to get a moment to post to our blog, so sorry if you have been checking throughout the day for an update.  We have tucked all the kids in for our last night at Mt. Evans.  Many are excited to come home, and others are saying they would like another week at Outdoor Lab!

Today, we had a full day with a lot going on.  We took our final two core classes today.  A few of our kids were able to go on an all day hike for their two core classes, which they really enjoyed.  This evening we had our closing ceremony where we reflected on our success in meeting the ICARE goals of Integrity, Commitment, Awareness, Respect, and Empathy.

Afterwards, we went to our evening program.  The kids did the Story Telling and Cookie Mining. They learned about profit/loss in a mining business scenario, got to learn about some mining history, and enjoyed some milk and cookies at the close of the program.  The kids were engaged and it was a great Thursday night activity.

We are looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow afternoon at Colorow!

 The Bear Group (Geosphere)

 Blake's Birthday

 Cookie Mining

(I'll add pictures of the all-day hike when I get them from the teacher who accompanied the kids)